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고객 상담 안내

  • TEL031-699-4799
  • FAX031-699-4878
  • TIME9:00-18:00
  • 입금은행:국민은행
  • 계좌번호:613-80101-555476
  • 예금주:주식회사 메디인시티

알뜰살뜰 쿠폰존

현재 위치

  1. 회사소개


(주) 메디인시티는 의료기기 , 재활운동용품등을 전문으로 제조하는 회사입니다.

또한 미국과 유럽등지에서 물리치료, 재활,  정형 외과기기등 높은 품질의 의료 장비를 수입하고 있습니다.

저희는 항상 다루는 제품의 범위와 다양성을 확대하여 소비자에게 더 많은 양질의 제품을 고를 수 있는 기회를 드리려고 노력하고 있습니다.

We majorly import high quality medical equipment including Orthopaedic, Physiotherapy and rehabilitation aid from US and Europe. We are trying to explore and widen the diversification of our product range and looking forward to provide one-stop service to our local and global customers.


Aging population problem existed by post-war baby boom during 50s. 1/4 of Korea population are elders within next 30 years. Demand for the rehabilitation products are increasing rapidly. Since the economic situation improved nowadays, people are more concerning on health maintenance and keen on using various kind of supportive products to achieve self-protection.


Korea is one of the countries which provide the best medical service in worldwide. Quality medicial service should be supported by quality medical product to achieve quality medical treatment. Thats what MEDINCITY matches.

From prevention to recovery, MEDINCITY enables people to live theie lives to the fullest by providing intelligent medical devices and services.


We embrace an open dialogue with our customers to gather insights that guide our innovation and continuous improvement.


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